2020 took everyone by surprise, and although each person experience it differently, we all felt the world around us abruptly stop. The incertitude of not knowing if we were ever going back to life as it used to be was universal.
Even when you are going through the pandemic in the confines of a home, it felt extremely important to me to, keep the mind and the soul busy by creating. For me, it was the best way of taking care of my and my family's being. That’s why I decided to start this family project, a series of daily photographs made only with the elements that we had in our home.
Day by day, picture by picture, we pushed ourselves to keep our minds creative. In a few days, we realized that it wasn’t only an escape for us but that by posting them on social media, we were giving our family and friends something to wait for each day, something fun to distract their minds from reality.